O so so so excited to announce that registration for Elven Writing Program September 2024 is now open!

Elen Elenna

Awakening to Remembrance for a New Dawn with the Shamanic Ways of the Elven


Elen Elenna

Deer of the Morningstar

Shamanic Guide to the Dawn & Author of Silver Wheel: The Lost Teachings of the Deerskin Book


Beloved Star, Light up as a Morningstar of the New Earth ~ become a Guiding Star of the Dawn

Remember Who You are, Access your Records of Oversoul Remembrance in Shamanic Journeys with the Elven and walk this Earth in the Light of your Soul Star


Elven Starlight Writing Program

Now Open for Registration September 2024!

Learn to write your light-encoded Book of Starlight for the Dawn ~ the pages that glow with fires delicate as Dawn, and as powerful as the Sun. It is time to come forward from long silence and record your wisdom ~ embark on this beautiful and epical 5 Month Writing Journey with Elen

Write your Golden Book!

I am Elen Elenna, 'Deer of the Morningstar', a shamanic guide & writer of Elven Starlight for the Dawn, the Author of Silver Wheel: The Lost Teachings of the Deerskin Book

On pathways of reindeer and drum, I hold shamanic journeys that alter consciousness into the far realms of remembrance. My own remembrance is of the ways of the Morningstar, of the Elven Star Paths of Laniakea, the Golden Heavenly Tree of our super-cluster of galaxies, of Andromeda and Corona Borealis especially. It is my greatest honour and joy to support kindred starlight souls to remember their True Light for this Dawn

Meet Elen

Enter the Elven Aurora Portal

Shamanic Journeys with the Elven, moon by moon. Access the Full Record of your Celestial, Oversoul Remembrance, so that you may bring your gifts to Earth. Walk the Most Beautiful Ascension Journey & light up as a Morningstar of the Dawn

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Silver Wheel: The Lost Teachings of the Deerskin Book 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Amazon Rating

A precious treasure is found in the forest. It is a book, clad in worn white deerskin, and within on pages of bark is inscribed a mysterious and glowing script. It is written in the language of the Elven Ones, who so long ago vanished from our world…


“May this book reach all those it is for, and strengthen the star kin. It is needed and timely.”

-Faith Nolton

Discover the Book

'The Celestine Prophecy of the New Millennium.'

~ Manda Scott

Elven Wisdom of the Silver Wheel

Receive New Earth ascension teachings, activation and guidance, enter this beautiful mandala of Elven and Star teachings for the New Dawn ~ a navigational map for walking the new reality


Buy the Book

For many of us, the Elven are calling. The Elven Celestial Oversoul DNA is part of our heritage, and we remember the golden leaved forests, the Elven Realms of Light & records of Earth, that so stir our own Elder remembrance, and support our own crystalline DNA and Oversoul Records in their Return

Would you love to travel deeper into your remembrance for the Dawn?

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Elven Archetype Quiz

What is your Elven Celestial Archetype for the Dawn?


What Elven Am I?

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Elven Ascension writings, energy updates, remembrance & records to inspire your own remembrance & ascension

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Enter the Elven Aurora Portal 

Shamanic Journeys with the Elven to access the Full Record of your Celestial, Oversoul Remembrance, so that you may bring your gifts to Earth. Walk the Most Beautiful Ascension Journey of remembrance moon by moon

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